sarah sitting on top of a desk smiling at the camera

“Be a creator rather than a consumer.”

-Robin Sharma

Staying in your lane is one of the most difficult things to do in this crowded online space. Even if we are not competitive by nature (or perhaps we are), the “glam” of social media can infiltrate our lives and make us feel inadequate.

The allure of wondering why someone else is doing so well in comparison to us is strong.

Before we know it, we’re measuring ourselves against other people’s expectations and accomplishments that we have no idea about.

It can also be tempting to believe that everyone else has it all figured out, that everyone else is our friends while we are strangers, and that those things come naturally to others but not to us. The victim mindset takes hold, and self-sabotage ensues.

Here’s how to stop this vicious cycle:

Success as a business owner, especially as a woman (because that’s the only perspective I know), is inextricably linked to knowing yourself and what you want, who you are, and WHY.

Success is an inside job of keeping your mind on the right priorities: you and your family, as well as your ultimate life vision.

One of the most important things you can do every day is set aside some time each day to listen to yourself.

Say no to everything and everyone vying for your attention who do not deserve it.

You need some quiet time to reflect on who you are, whether it is through meditation, prayer, journaling, or a quiet walk. To hear that small voice inside your head that says (KNOWS!) you’re meant for more.

That small voice is known as your True North Star.

Goal setting frequently fails because we lack a deep guiding purpose for why we are doing “all the things” in the world. We haven’t thought about who we want to be or, more importantly, how we want to feel.

When we cultivate the practice of introspection, you suddenly don’t want what she has; you want what you want, and your pursuits guide you.

This will give you the freedom to become a creator rather than a consumer.

Suddenly, you establish the rules for your inputs, the stories you want to hear, and where you put your energy.

One of the most important factors in determining whether or not you will achieve your goal is cultivating and sustaining this energy of focus and single-minded determination.

So tell me right now: what do YOU want out of life? When was the last time you paid attention to your inner voice and found your True North Star?

Sarah, xo