sarah sitting on top of a desk smiling at the camera

Today, I’m going to give you some of the best advice you’ll ever get when starting an ad business.

You cannot run advertisements for anyone (well, you can, but here’s why you shouldn’t).

When you first start learning, you might get excited and call all your friends to tell them what you’re doing. Woo-hoo!!!

You’ll almost certainly learn that someone is interested in your services.
Perhaps Sally down the street is a chiropractor in need of more patients. Or Jack, who owns a dental clinic down the road and needs more people to call in appointments.

But here’s the reality: these clients may not have the same financial resources as other entrepreneurs.

You can run advertisements for almost any planet in the solar system.

But I’ve seen far too many marketers flounder and fail because they didn’t choose a niche.

It’s something that happened entirely by chance for me. I knew how to market to and for a coach, because I had been a health coach for years and years prior (a throwback to when I was failing at my health coaching business).

So, I began assisting coaches. I quickly acquired 1, 3, and 7 clients, all of whom were coaches of some sort.

One was a life coach, another a romance coach, and still another a mindset coach. Then came another romance coach, another business coach, and finally a confidence coach.

It was a tall task to say no when there were so many coaches to choose from (this is NOT an exaggeration… remember, I failed at a business 5 years prior. I KNOW what it’s like to see people fleeing from what I’m offering.

So it was coaching, and I blew past the success of many other ad businesses that were learning the same things I was learning.

My coworkers kept asking me, “Sarah, how do you always have so many clients?”

Easy. I concentrate on those who require my assistance (the coaching industry gives you half the answers you need) and those with lofty financial objectives.

Most coaches want to earn significantly more than the average Joe.
When do you make your kick-butt plan for them? They’re all listening!
The online coaching industry is colossal (in the billions). It entails coaches, consultants, experts, educators, and so on.

Anyone selling information or advice on the internet may be a good fit for your ads.

Having interested coaches call you is not as difficult as you may think.

Facebook (TM) advertisements are akin to selling shovels during a gold rush.

You’d like to be there!
